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Fauna FlashThe two guys in Fauna Flash (Christian Prommer and Roland Appel) are actually also the non-Rainer Truby portions of the Rainer Truby Trio. Unlike their work with Mr. Truby, which is on the jazzy side of downtempo electronic, I've found their Fauna Flash project is quite a bit less jazzy, and much heavier on the electronic-y side of drum n' bass. I wasn't especially taken by the only album of theirs I've heard to date ('Aquarius'), but it is a couple years old, and they appear to have moved on a bit, stylistically on their new album 'Fusion'. I don't know if they're playing live sets or if they'll be doing DJ sets while they're on this tour. If you'd like, you can email me here: Oh, and all content on these pages is copyright Richard Lewis. |